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Watershed is the newest member of Bristol's Climate Leaders Group

Posted on Fri 23 Sept 2022

The Climate Leaders Group supports organisations that are leading the way in reducing their carbon emissions, and we couldn't be more delighted to be one of their newest members.

Tailored towards organisations with ambitions to be carbon neutral by 2030, with a plan for reducing their emissions, The Climate Leaders Group supports companies on this journey, sharing experiences and best practice, identifying and implementing carbon neutral solutions, and amplifying the efforts and progress of members to support, motivate and inspire others.

In 2019, Watershed declared a climate emergency in line with Bristol City Council, with the aim to become carbon neutral by 2030, which Watershed's longstanding Environment Group have been working towards. At the start of 2021, as part of our commitment Watershed appointed Zoe Rasbash as Environmental Emergencies Action Researcher. Over this period Zoe has implemented a programme of work which helps creative companies face climate emergency. One of the examples of our on-going work is the Creative Climate Action Toolkit designed by Zoe specifically to support smaller businesses, organisations, collectives and freelancers to act on climate. 

We'll be publishing more details about all the work we have been doing over  the next few weeks, but in the meantime we couldn't be more delighted to become the newest members of Bristol's Climate Leaders Group.

Zoe says,

"Almost three years on from our declaration of a climate emergency, Watershed is very proud to be joining the Climate Leaders Group. We're excited to continue working collaboratively with other ambitious organisations across Bristol! Our ethos of sustainability is rooted in inclusion, and we're looking forward to sharing ideas with and heeding advice from this knowledgable community."

Current members include Alec French Architects, Avison Young, Avon Fire & Rescue Service, Bristol Beacon, Bristol City Council, Bristol Old Vic, Bristol Zoological Society, Burges Salmon, Business West, The Diocese of Bristol, Ecotricity, Hoare Lea, Jacobs, JLL, North Bristol NHS Trust, Pukka Herbs, PwC, PYTCH, Socius, Spherics, SS Great Britain, Stride Treglown, Thrive Renewables, Triodos Bank, University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust, University of Bristol, UWE Bristol, and We The Curious.

Watch this space for more on our Climate Action journey.

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