Jo Lansdowne

Jo Lansdowne

Executive Producer

Jo joined Watershed as a Producer on REACT, a four year project based in the Pervasive Media Studio which connected creative companies and academic researchers. In that role she led the design and delivery of Sandbox, an R&D programme that supports people to experiment and produce new prototypes. 

Jo leads Watershed's Creative Technology team; supporting research activity, talent development and the resident community to deliver brilliant work. She is also Executive Producer of the Bristol+Bath Creative R+D project and the South West Creative Technology Network. 

Twitter: @joannalansdowne

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Testing MekaMon and Beasts of Balance prototypes in the Pervasive Media Studio
Posted on Mon 14 Feb 2022 by Jo Lansdowne

Watershed's Pervasive Media Studio is 14 on 14 Feb. In this article, Executive Producer Jo Lansdowne takes a look back at what has changed since 2008, how the Studio works, and what we're thinking about for the future.

Photos by Oona Chanfi
Posted on Wed 29 Sept 2021 by Jo Lansdowne

A few highlights of things happening during Black History Month which offer audiences an opportunity to engage with Black creatives and their stories

The Rooms festival, REACT
Posted on Wed 12 July 2017 by Jo Lansdowne

Watershed works with Universities to support collaborative research and development between academics and practitioners. Together we are exploring digital cultures, designing new products and interrogating the potential of new technologies.