Photo of Layla Barron, Watershed Head of Data and Operations

Layla Barron

Head of Data & Systems Development

Layla joined Watershed in 2011, and has been on a mission to turn everyone in the organisation into a spreadsheet fan ever since.

As Head of Data & Systems Development Layla works across all areas of Watershed and focuses on the strategic development of organisational systems and workflows to maximise efficiency, flexibility, and the organisation’s ability to effectively collaborate with both internal and external stakeholders. 

Layla also leads on the development of Watershed’s strategic use of data – encompassing business intelligence, analytics, data-led inclusion and data protection and ethics.

Best summed up as part business analyst, part data analyst and 100% spreadsheet nerd.

Big passions include data visualisation, test-driving project management software and dogs.


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Posted on Tue 7 Dec 2021 by Layla Barron

Layla Barron, Watershed's Head of Data and Operations talks about the move from diversity and demographics to balanced teams.