
These policies and processes detail the principles that underpin how we work with audiences, artists and staff.

Each contains contact details if you have any specific feedback or questions.

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A group people standing and chatting in Watershed Box Office

This complaints policy is for applicants to or participants in Watershed’s creative projects and details Watershed's structured process for handling complaints.

A picture of the outside of Watershed.

Watershed is a registered charity and we utilise our building and public spaces to fundraise for our charitable activities. We commit to high fundraising standards and believe that it is important that all our fundraising activities are clear, open, honest, respectful and legal.

Picture of an artist wearing a yellow jumper explaining their work to a group of onlookers.

Watershed is a registered charity which undertakes fundraising activities to meet our charitable objectives. Our mission is to develop cultural engagement, imagination, and talent. We commit to high fundraising standards and believe that it is important that all our fundraising activities are clear, open, honest, respectful, and legal.

Photo of four young people, dressed up and celebrating

Watershed strives to be inclusive, it is one of our key organisational values and is understood as both a social responsibility and a creative imperative.

Photo of the exterior of Watershed with a ferry going past

Sharing Watershed's values and our approach to ethics across all aspects of our business.

Photo of the exterior of Watershed, Bristol

How Watershed protects your personal information, what information we request from you and how we collect and processes your information.

A photo of the backs of a group of 4 young people overlooking Watershed

This additional privacy policy covers how we use your personal data (or your child’s if they are under 18 years of age) when taking part in any workshops or projects working with Young People, run by Watershed.

Photo of 4 your people standing against a wall

How use personal information within the recruitment process to allow us to manage the recruitment process, assess applicant’s suitability for the role they are applying for, confirm a candidate's suitability for employment and decide who to hire.

Anonymous photo of a child cuddling a colourful toy

Protecting children, young people and adults at risk who engage with Watershed activities the overarching principles that guide our approach to safeguarding.

A group people standing and chatting in Watershed Box Office

If you have a complaint about Watershed, we have outlined how you can tell us about your experience.