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Photo of your people at Bristol Talent Lab

Bristol Youth Links

A collaboration between Watershed and Bristol City Council to create a platform for young voices in Bristol.

In 2013 Watershed was commissioned by Bristol City Council (as part of their Bristol Youth Links programme) to develop an online platform for young people in the city. Our expertise lies in collaborating with young people across a broad range of digital media, whether it is producing films, designing websites, or training emerging journalists.

Rather than developing something and simply hoping young people would find it engaging, entertaining or useful, Watershed decided it needed to work with young people to design a platform for their needs, to their specification. Would it be a website? Or simply a closely curated hashtag? Where are the young people currently making their voices heard, and how can we amplify those viewpoints?

In February 2014 Watershed teamed up with award-winning creative agency Latimer to run Bristol Talent Lab, a week of ideas, experimentation and co-creation. The brightest and best were gathered from around the city, young people who already had popular youtube channels or twitter accounts, people with engaging online voices and curious minds.

Together they have masterminded a new online magazine for the young people of Bristol, written by everyone who took part in the Talent Lab and further young Bristol creators, and edited by four young journalists, appointed to run the magazine for six months before a new set of four journalists takes over.

Rife Magazine shouts about youth culture in the city and digs deep into serious issues that they face. It launched in May 2014 with an event aimed at reaching out to the young people of the city for further contributors, further voices. If you are interested in sharing your ideas then get in touch with the team on:

As part of Bristol Youth Links the Council provides high quality, safe and reliable services for children and young people in Bristol. It brings together a wide range of services, such as youth groups, play services, advice and guidance, and support to help young people volunteer and get involved in their communities.

Watershed now manages Go Places Do Things and Go Places to Play two sites that fulfill Bristol City Council’s promise to publish positive activities online for young people. If you run activities like these you can share them on these sites.  

Ended in March 2018

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