Digital tools play a key role in driving innovation in today’s creative industries. But what new tools are on the horizon and how will creative businesses harness them to drive exciting new business opportunities? What will creative professionals - from architects to fashion designers to games developers and others - be using to create and produce content in the future?

The Creative Industries KTN would like to invite you to explore these questions and contribute to their latest Beacon Project, Exploiting Digital Tools, which will examine the potential these tools have to transform the creative and production processes.

The workshop Exploiting Digtial Tools is a great networking opportunity to meet people from across the creative industries and let them show you some of the digital tools and how they are being used in different creative sectors. The work will link closely with future funding opportunities from the Technology Strategy Board. Working with leading innovation company
Whatif, the workshop will also be carrying out some initial research including an
online survey and expert interviews.

The event will take place at Watershed on Wed 9 June 2010 with registration and coffee from 9am onwards and a 9.30am start, followed by lunch.

If you would like to help shape the future of digital tools in the UK by attending this workshop, please register for this event at: