This Lunchtime Talk will be broadcast live on Watershed's YouTube channel.

This lunchtime talk will give a brief outline of the effect of borders on migrants. Watershed's Research Lead- Furaha Asani, who is herself a precarious migrant caught in the 'hostile environment', will be asking: Who is classified as a 'migrant', who gets to be viewed as an 'expatriate', and who gets to position themself as the "voice of the voiceless"? Further, what role has technology and hyper-surveillance played in enforcing border laws?

Furaha will explore what a world without borders could look like, in line with third horizon thinking - which is a simple and intuitive tool for thinking about the future, by helping groups explore systemic patterns to identify which of the dominant patterns are no longer fit for purpose, how the emerging trends can shape the future, and what visionary action is needed to collectively move us towards a viable future.

Join us on Fri 4th June, 13:00-14:00 for the talk and to take part in the discussion afterwards.

Watch live on YouTube