I am a freelance creative practitioner with experience of producing, curating, evaluating, project managing, and co-ordinating a variety of art events, public art commissions, performances, workshops, exhibitions, talks, citywide festivals and engagement programmes for artists’ and arts organisations across the UK.

I have worked with Studio residents including Tom Marshman  Action Hero Larkhall  Becca Rose  REACT Interactive Scientific  and Anagram. My experiences and interests are varied, I work across art forms, and enjoy working with complex collaborative groups. Many moons ago I worked as Producer of Live Art at Arnolfini and worked as a project manager for several public art festivals in the North of England including AV festival North East, NVA, Situation Leeds, and Artoffice. Linked in is sort of update if you are interested in more of my work history see here; https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarah-warden-b7332046/