I'm developing a comedy show about trying to become a comedian. The mission I have given myself is to try and become funnier by training and gigging as a stand up comedian on the amateur circuit. With my social anthropological signature style of creating work, I am studying the behaviors and rituals of the stand up comedy tribe.

There is an underlying theme ... I was recently diagnosed with ADHD, which means I have a lack of dopamine so I am bored by most things and preoccupied with finding rewards. I was prescribed medication in the form of amphetamines by doctors and was put on the same dosage as children. I was off my head, my productivity levels were incredible but my creativity disappeared and socially I was a zombie.

I want to see if comedy can be an alternative to medication by attempting to become a stand up comedian. Making people laugh releases dopamine. I am working with a neuroscientist and an EEG headset to find out more about the brain and what happens to it when you are funny.

2022 Update - Professional Stranger, now called Headset, is currently touring the UK and was selected as one of the best shows to see at the Edinburgh Fringe by Time Out and The Times.

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