Using hands on craft techniques combined with cutting edge AR filters and AI image generation, workshop participants explore their ideas for what ‘Recycle City’ might look like.

Recycle City was founded by Ruth Harrisson and is about designing and visioning a future – it is a speculative city founded on the values of creativity, community, opportunity, human and animal welfare, healing, connection, conservation, love, joy and celebration. It is a place where all ages / species can be together.

The Recycle City team host creative workshops and use analogue and digital methods to create visions for the speculative city. Within these workshops we explore issues around re-use and recycling and invite people to share their hopes and dreams for the speculative city.

Recycle City is one of six prototypes produced for Connecting Through Culture As We Age, which is funded by the UKRI Healthy Ageing Challenge through the University of Bristol. The aim is to improve the quality of life for older populations, particularly those that are disabled, or racially or socio-economically minoritised.

Studio themes