Saki Yamada expresses arcane phenomena by producing music. She has played in clubs and festivals under the name Saskia in Tokyo and other asian countries since 2017. While continuing her live performance and DJ, she began creating installations and performing art in 2020 to further explore the possibilities of sound. 

Her spatial works are built up with various media such as sound, text, light and objects to make the space more immersive through the collaboration with other artists. She performed her representative piece "ロウ" at MUTEK.JP in Tokyo in 2021, which is a music art festival based in Montreal. She collaborated with Dark Butoh dancers and a lighting artist at the time, then the project made a fantastic and original space. 

In 2022, she relocated to Bristol from Tokyo to explore electronic music more deeply. An experimental oscillation between music and art which constantly evolves her style of creation.


Past Live Performance Highlights

en masse at Strange Brew, Bristol 9/2022

MUTEK.JP at Shibuya Stream Hall, Tokyo 12/2021

Broad feat Objekt & Saoirse at Contact, Tokyo 12/2019

Super Flying Tokyo by Rhizomatiks at UNIT, Tokyo 9/2019


Archive of Music Productions for Advertising Videos