Vytautas Jankauskas
Vytas is an artist and designer, interested in physical, social and digital identities. Both, individual and communal. His explored themes encompass borders, national pride and identity, digital relationships and beyond.

This is Vytas

Somestic Media
"Somestic Media" is a series of conventional domestic IoT appliances, embodying the impact social media has on the perception of time, distance and normality.Vytas is an artist and designer, interested in physical, social and digital identities; individual and communal. His explored themes encompass borders and migration, national identity, digital relationships and beyond. He enjoys art manifestos, in particular the big word rhetorics oriented towards innovation and the technological sublime. Vytas’ aesthetics is often defined by vintage analog user-interfaces and refurbished scrap parts, hidden in obsolete cyberpunk industrial artefacts.
Vytas obtained a Bachelor’s degree with highest distinction in Media Art at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts, Milan, with a six-month research exchange in Copenhagen, at the Royal Danish Design School, faculty of Interaction Design. In June, 2015, graduated with a Master’s degree with highest distinction in Media Design at HEAD — Genève, Switzerland.
At the Pervasive Media Studio, Vytas is working alongside a friend and colleague Jon Flint. "Somestic Media" is a series of conventional domestic appliances, embodying the impact social media has on the perception of time, distance and normality. The project is a critical design research into our digital identities as perceived by social media algorithms, embodied within domestic IoT appliances.
Vytas is also a senior visual designer and researcher @Superflux, and continues to work on personal projects.