A Strange New Space

A Strange New Space

Watershed Recommends: Fri 3 - Thu 9 July


Please note: This event took place in July 2020

Studio resident Tessa Bide's award-winning show brings one small child's real-life journey as a refugee across continents to life.

Amira is obsessed with space and has always dreamt of being an Astronaut. But one night, the bangs, whooshes and fizzes of her imagination explode right out of her dreams, becoming a deafening reality. In the darkness, Amira must leave her hometown to go on an adventure, to find a safe space. Hearing the words ‘space’ and ‘adventure’, Amira quickly packs her bag for the intergalactic trip she’s been waiting for…

A completely original one woman show without words, A Strange New Space melds physical theatre with stunning puppetry and original music. We travel on an imagined voyage into space, paralleled with Amira’s real-life journey as a refugee, forming an introduction to theatre and the topic of migration and the effects of war to audiences of four years and older.

A Strange New Space is available to watch until Mon 20 July as part of the Bristol Refugee Festival.

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