Found in: Pixar Mix

The Incredibles

classified U

Pixar Mix


Please note: This was screened in Aug 2023

Brad Bird
Brad Bird (voice), Holly Hunter (voice), Samuel L. Jackson (voice)
120 mins, 2004, USA
Primary language

While trying to lead a quiet suburban life, a family of undercover superheroes are forced into action to save the world.

Fifteen years after their last caper, Bob and Helen Parr are forced into hiding after the government bans all supers from using their powers. In the meantime they have three kids with their own superpowers: Violet (who can turn invisible), Dash (who can run at super-speed) and baby Jack-Jack (superpower yet unknown).

When a mysterious woman offers Bob a secret mission on Nomanisan island, The Incredibles have to don their brand new spandex suits (courtesy of Edna Mode) to thwart a new evil arising...

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