First Friday

First Friday

Event + Drop-in

Please note: This event ended on 6 October 2023

First Friday is a monthly social event open to anyone. These events are somewhere between the last meeting of the week and the first event of your weekend. You might meet an artist or an engineer, a school teacher or a city leader. It is a place to connect with someone you might not otherwise meet, and hear about stuff you didn’t already know. All are welcome - from inside and outside the city, online or in the Watershed building.

October's Event

This event will take place in Undershed Fri 6 October 17:00-18:00. Online networking will take place at the same time for those that can’t make it in person.

Join us for the first opportunity to see Watershed’s plans for a brand-new exhibition space – opening in Spring 2024.

Building on Watershed's track record in film and creative technology, and in response to huge demand from artists and creatives across the UK, Undershed will be a space to test and share new forms of storytelling that don’t fit traditional stages and cinema screens.

This new pilot has funding from Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and leadership from architect George Lovesmith and Amy Rose of Anagram. First Friday will be the first opportunity to find out more, ask questions and imagine what this new space could be together.

Free drink vouchers will be available for attendees - redeemable for a free beer, wine or soft drink per person.

The hosted element of the event will finish at 18:00. After that, in person attendees are welcome to continue conversations in the Café & Bar.

About Pervasive Media Studio

The Pervasive Media Studio hosts an international community of over 100 artists, companies, technologists, and academics exploring experience design and creative technology. We are a space for risk taking and early ideas; for the kind of projects and questions that inhabit the meeting points of art, technology, and society.

Our projects span play, robotics, location-based media, food, connected objects, interactive documentary, new forms of performance and more.

We have an open plan studio with a culture if generosity, curiosity, and interruptibility. We believe that by clustering people together from a broad range of backgrounds, with differing skills, experience, and opinions, all of our ideas become better.

Join the First Friday mailing list here.

This event is supported by MyWorld.

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