Free Family Creative Tech Workshop

Free Family Creative Tech Workshop


Please note: This event took place in Feb 2024

8-14 year olds are invited to a 2 hour audible weaving workshop with Dhaqan Collective, a British feminist art collective of Somali women, where they will bring some materials alive through sound!

Attendees will explore oral storytelling, experiment with techniques for capturing those stories, and weave them into their own audio friendship bracelets which they can take away with them.

This session will be hosted by Ayan Cilmi and Fozia Ismail. Their practice asks and seeks to find ways of building imaginative futures that support Somali people here and in East Africa to resist the threats over our cultural heritage. They are a feminist art collective of Somali women, centering the voices of women and elders in our community, and privileging co-creation and collaboration.

They will be supported by Tony Bhajam, Producer at the Pervasive Media Studio.

Each group of young people must be accompanied by 1 adult - grown ups are invited to get stuck in too!

Our family workshops are made possible with support from Arts Council England and our partners in the Pervasive Media Studio, the University of Bristol and UWE Bristol.

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