Found in: Queer Vision
You, Me & Our Identity
Film still from No es tan dificil

You, Me & Our Identity

classified 15

Queer Vision Film Festival 2024


Please note: This was screened in July 2024

90 mins

This showcase celebrates the best of an international selection of shorts, including a variety of animation, comedy and live-action drama, and offers a rich range of perspectives on the coming-of-age experiences of young queer people across the world.

The films on the line-up are:

  • No es tan difficil, dir: Irene Garcià Torres, 2024, 11 mins
  • Tank Fair, dir: Erich Rettstadt, 2021, 9 mins
  • Where the Birds Cry, dir: Jakub Wenda, 2023, 15 mins
  • In Nature, dir: Marcel Barelli, 2021, 5 mins
  • Tarek, dir: Anatael Pérez Hernández, 2021, 9 mins
  • Elsa, dir: Albert Carbó, 2020, 12 mins
  • Et si ons'en foutait?, dir: Johanna Lagarde, 2022, 12 mins
  • Ekai, dir: Arantza Ibarra, 2020, 21 mins

This screening is in partnership with the Sex Education Film Festival.

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