A Close Shave + A Matter of Loaf and Death

A Close Shave + A Matter of Loaf and Death

classified PG

Wallace & Gromit Double Bills


Thu 30 May - Sun 2 June

59 mins, UK
Primary language

A double bill of the latest outings of Bristol's favourite animated duo Wallace & Gromit.

A Close Shave

Love blossoms in the course of Wallace and Gromit’s latest business, the Wash ’n’ Go Windowcleaning Service, when they are called out to clean the windows of the attractive Wendolene Ramsbottom. Little do they know that a lamb, Shaun is hiding in their house after escaping from the clutches of evil sheep rustlers.

A Matter of Loaf and Death

Wallace and Gromit have opened a new bakery business – Top Bun – but a deadly murderer is targeting all the bakers in town. Meanwhile, Wallace has found true love in the shape of Piella Bakewell, former star of the Bake-O-Lite bread commercials. Can Gromit discover the identity of the Cereal Killer before Wallace becomes the next victim?

Part of Wallace & Gromit Double Bills.

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