A Grand Day Out + The Wrong Trousers

A Grand Day Out + The Wrong Trousers

classified U

Wallace & Gromit Double Bills


Sat 25 - Wed 29 May

54 mins, UK
Primary language

A double bill of the first outings of Bristol's favourite animated duo Wallace & Gromit.

A Grand Day Out

Wallace & Gromit have to decide where to go for their annual picnic. With a home-made rocket and large appetite, they head for the moon, hoping to find it made of cheese.

The Wrong Trousers

A mysterious penguin and a pair of automated techno-trousers are the catalysts for this fast-moving comedy thriller, in which mild mannered Wallace finds himself an unwitting accomplice to a daring diamond robbery.

Part of Wallace & Gromit Double Bills.

  • Screenings of A Grand Day Out + The Wrong Trousers on Tue 28 May are part of our Cinébites deal: get 30% off any main dish in the Café & Bar with a valid cinema ticket.

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