Found in: Lunchtime Talk
asses.masses at Mayfest 2024
Photo credit: Francisco Castro Pizzo

asses.masses at Mayfest 2024

Lunchtime Talks


Please note: This event ended on 17 May 2024

To coincide with the UK premiere of Patrick Blenkarn and Milton Lim’s asses.masses at Mayfest 2024, this talk is an opportunity to hear from the artists about the creation of the epic 7-hour video game theatre experience, alongside a conversation with Richard Cole and members of Bristol Games Lab.

asses.masses is a custom-made video game about labour, technophobia and sharing the load of revolution, designed to be played from beginning to end in a live theatre.

This is gaming as performance; an immersive, cheeky and highly original work. Spectators take turns at the controller to lead the herd through a post-Industrial society, where asses are valued more for their hides than their potential.

This talk is part of Mayfest: Bristol's international festival of contemporary theatre and live performance, curated and produced by MAYK. Check out the full programme by following @‌mayfestbristol on X.

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