Festival of the Future City

Designing Future Cities

Festival of the Future City


Please note: This event took place in Nov 2015

What are the design needs of future cities? What are the materials needed for future cities? How do we make cities places for people? Claire Mookerjee, designer, urbanist and Project Lead for Urbanism for Future Cities Catapult, looks at people-centred urbanism , she joins Mark Miodownik, Director of the Institute of Making at University College London and author of Stuff Matters, who looks at the future material needs of urban areas.

Speaker biographies:

Claire Mookerjee is a designer and urbanist with expertise in innovative people-focused city design solutions. She is currently Project Lead for Urbanism for Future Cities Catapult. Previously, she worked as a design researcher at Gehl Architects in Copenhagen and also as an independent consultant on a number of large-scale developments in London for both developers and city councils. She worked at LSE Cities on UNEP’s Green Economy Report and supported Design for London with their Outer London Fund work. In 2007 she founded a London gallery which showed the work of architects, artists and urbanists.

Mark Miodownik is an engineer and materials scientist and director of the Institute of Making at University College London. He gave the 2010 Royal Institution Christmas Lectures and presented a three-part BBC4 series on materials science called How it Works in 2012. He writes for the Guardian and The Times, and is a regular presenter of engineering TV programmes the BBC. His book Stuff Matters was published in June 2013 and was short-listed for the Royal Society Winton Prize. In 2013 he was awarded the Rooke Medal by the Royal Academy of Engineering and in 2014 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering.

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