A Love That Never Dies

A Love That Never Dies

classified 12A

Grief, Death and Love


Please note: This was screened in May 2018

Jane Harris & Jimmy Edmonds
75 mins, 2017, UK
"Beautifully made, poetic in its grace, deeply moving and inspiring" - Roger Graef, Documentary film maker

How do we grieve? Why do we grieve? And why are we afraid of those that do grieve? In this very personal documentary two parents grieving for their lost son travel across the USA in search of answers to these questions.

Jane Harris and Jimmy Edmonds' son Josh died in a road accident in Vietnam. As a way of honouring his memory, they set off on a roadtrip across the USA to find out why, in a world where death will always make front page news, real life conversations about death, dying and bereavement are so problematic - along the way they find other bereaved families with stories of grief that refuse social expectations about 'moving on' or 'letting go'.

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