Found in: Afrika Eye
Africa Animated: Africa's Lost Classics

Africa's Classic Animations

classified 15 PS

Afrika Eye 2018


Please note: This was screened in Nov 2018

51 mins, Partially Subtitled, Various
Primary language

Animation has an extraordinary power to bring to life the oral storytelling so central to cultures across Africa. In this programme of vintage African animations, you’ll see films from Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali, DRC, and Cote d'Ivoire - telling tales of historical heroines, mythical creatures and shrewd politicians. Each film showcases different styles and techniques used - including stop-motion, 3D and hand-drawn animation. Enjoy rarely seen gems from the 1960s onwards, showing that animation has a long and beautiful history on the African continent.

This programme is brought to Bristol in partnership with Africa’s Lost Classics, run by Africa in Motion and University of Glasgow, funded through an AHRC Grant and a Glasgow Knowledge Exchange Grant.

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