The Kid Who Would Be King

classified PG

Please note: This was screened in April 2019

Joe Cornish
Louis Ashbourne Serkis, Denise Gough, Dean Chaumoo
120 mins, 2019, UK
Primary language

Joe Cornish (Attack the Block) has made an ode to classic '80s movies like The Goonies and E.T with this feel good family fantasy adventure based on the Arthurian legend.

Old school magic meets modern day when 12-year old Alex discovers Excalibur (in a building site), the legendary Sword in the Stone. Soon Alex (and his mates) must become knights, and join the wizard Merlin (Patrick Stewart) to fight the wicked Morgana and her army of supernatural warriors. With the future at stake, will Alex be able to show courage he's never dreamed of before?

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