Watershed Recommends: Fri 17 - Thu 23 July

Watershed Recommends: Fri 17 - Thu 23 July


Please note : this season finished in July 2020

Although the Watershed building may be closed we are still sharing different ways for you all to enjoy and experience highlights from across our activity - cinema, creative tech, the Pervasive Media Studio, Rife Magazine and many more Watershed projects.

Previous events in this season

Come As You Are

Watershed Recommends Week 17
Come As You Are
Please note: This event took place in July 2020

Three young men with disabilities (Grant Rosenmeyer, Hayden Szeto, Ravi Patel) flee their overbearing parents for a road trip to a brothel in Montreal that caters to people with disabilities, in order to lose their virginity and embrace their independence.


Watershed Recommends Week 17
Please note: This event took place in July 2020

Writer-director Chinonye Chukwu’s critically acclaimed film follows a prison warden (Alfre Woodard) whose world is upended by the fate of death-row inmates.

3-Fold Games present Before I Forget

Watershed Recommends Week 17
3-Fold Games present Before I Forget
Please note: This event took place in July 2020
Streaming + Game

3-Fold Games, the micro game studio co-founded by Pervasive Media Studio resident Claire Morwood and Chella Ramanan, are launching their debut game Before I Forget - a narrative exploration game centring on a woman living with early onset dementia - on Thu 16 July.

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