Found in: Projects
Dancers in Danceroom Spectroscopy

danceroom Spectroscopy

Part video game, part science visualisation, part art installation, and part social experiment

danceroom Spectroscopy (dS) is a remarkable new way to visualise the invisible nanoscale atomic world that makes up everything around us, including our own bodies.

Developed by Pervasive Media Studio resident and Royal Society Research Fellow at Bristol University, Dr David Glowacki, danceroom Spectroscopy is an installation that combines molecular physics, cutting edge technology, ambient sounds and performance dance to build a stunning 21-metre 360° visual projection that shifts and changes as visitors play with their own movements and energy forces.

Watershed organised the first ever dS festival where the interactive dome was housed at Brunel's Old Station in Bristol in October 2013, before it headed off on its international tour. The programme included an award winning dance performance entitled 'Hidden Fields', performed by a group of dancers whose beautifully choreographed movement creates unique interactive visualisations. During the day, David Glowacki gave several talks explaining the meaning and the science behind danceroom Spectroscopy, with a rare chance to ask the Royal Society Research Fellow questions.

Find out more about dS in these short films.

Related Links:
Danceroom Spectroscopy
Pervasive Media Studio

Image by Paul Blakemore

Ended in November 2013

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