Connecting Through Culture As We Age
University of Bristol and Watershed
Established in 2021, this three year UKRI Healthy Ageing Challenge funded project is exploring how and why we take part in arts and culture as we get older.
Made by
Furaha Asani
Furaha is Watershed's Research Lead, supporting ongoing research across Pervasive Media Studio. Furaha is also a mental health advocate and writer.Emma Boulton
Watershed producer supporting collaborative R&D programmes including Sandbox and Playable City.Rachael Burton
Rachael is a Research Project Manager at Careful Trouble (Careful Industries and Promising Trouble). She is also a freelance producer working with M/Others Who Make and a Trustee for Attitude is Everything.Jo Lansdowne
Jo is Executive Producer of Pervasive Media Studio; supporting research activity, artist development and the resident community to make brilliant work.We want to increase participation in social, digital and cultural life for all as we age. Our aim is to improve the quality of life for older populations, particularly those that are disabled, or racially or socio-economically minoritised.
Established in 2021, this three year UKRI Healthy Ageing Challenge funded project is exploring how and why we take part in arts and culture as we get older. We are interested in how participation in all forms of arts and culture, particularly those accessed digitally, can influence our wellbeing and feelings of social connection as we age.
Working alongside disabled older adults and those that identify as socioeconomically and racially minoritized we are co-designing new arts and cultural experiences. Our inclusive digital innovation process encourages cross sectoral collaborations in designing new products, services and experiences, and supports creative industries to grow and to better understand diverse older adults.
Find out more about connecting through wulture as we age:
Have a look through the six projects we supported: