Gary-Martin is an artist and designer, and a Creative Producer at pyka - a collective who create objects, structures, and spaces that enable people to explore worlds built with sound.

Worked on

More Than AI Sandbox
Sandbox is a tried-and-tested methodology to bring together teams of brilliant people to test new ideas with generosity and rigour in a three month R&D.
MyWorld - Strength in Places
Watershed is excited to be a partner in MyWorld, a project led by the University of Bristol that will celebrate the West of England's reputation as an international trailblazer in creative technology and screen-based media.Gary-Martin is an artist, designer, and facilitator interested in systems of consumption and creation. His social practice playfully engages with the interrelations of objects and environments through participatory art, toolkit design, and audio-visual composition.
For over a decade he has facilitated creative engagements with people across Wales and England, and partners like Cadw, Prince’s Trust, Shakespeare’s Globe, and Tate Britain.
He is a lecturer in the school of creative arts at the University of Gloucestershire where his teaching focuses on networked cultures and the political ecology of creative practice.
As a Creative Producer with pyka, he co-creates technological artefacts that enable exploration of worlds built with sound. pyka are on the More Than AI Sandbox as part of the MyWorld Ideas programme. They will be taking part in a 3 month creative research and development programme where they are prototyping a new concept that creatively and critically explores artificial intelligence. They are working on the project 'The Expression Orchestra.'