UK Premiere: Serpico
Image courtesy of Park Circus and Paramount

UK Premiere: Serpico

classified 18

Look Who’s Back: The Hollywood Renaissance and the Blacklist


Please note: This was screened in July 2023

Sidney Lumet
Al Pacino, John Randolph, Jack Kehoe, Biff McGuire, Barbara Eda-Young
130 mins, 1973, USA

Based on Peter Maas’ book, Serpico explores the real life experiences of a new recruit to the NYPD, Frank Serpico, who realises that the whole institution is built upon various levels of corruption and quickly finds out how far those involved will go to protect themselves.

The film's focus on corruption within institutions supposedly there to protect and serve the public offered formerly blacklisted screenwriter Waldo Salt (Oscar® winner for Midnight Cowboy) another opportunity to examine the failures he saw at the core of American society. Both Salt and additional screenwriter Norman Wexler were nominated for an Oscar® for their work on this film.

Director Sidney Lumet - brought onto the project after original director John G. Avildsen was removed - and star Al Pacino create a believable, claustrophobic world where corruption seems to be everywhere and nobody can be trusted.

This is a new 4K restoration with thanks to Park Circus and Paramount.

Paramount scanned and cleaned the original camera negative at L’Immagine Ritrovata, Bologna and restored color at Colortime LLC. in Los Angeles, using a 1983 Vintage Release print as a color reference. It also has newly created 5.1 and restored original mono sound.

Following this screening, Serpico is re-released in UK cinemas including BFI Southbank on Fri 18 Aug courtesy of Park Circus.

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