Curzon Cinema & Arts Open Doors and Serpico
Credit: Frederico Colarejo

Curzon Cinema & Arts Open Doors and Serpico

classified 18

Look Who’s Back: The Hollywood Renaissance and the Blacklist

Film + Event

Please note: This was screened in July 2023

Sidney Lumet
Al Pacino, John Randolph, Jack Kehoe, Biff McGuire, Barbara Eda-Young
130 mins, 1973, USA
Primary language

A short trip from Bristol, the seaside town of Clevedon is home to a unique single-screen picture palace. Originally opened in 1912, having expanded in the 1920s and still in operation as a cinema today, Curzon Cinema & Arts has a rich history and grand tradition of cinema-going as an event.

Between 18:00 and 19:30, doors will be open for ticket holders of the 19.30 screening of film Serpico presented in a brand new 4K restoration for its 50th anniversary as part of Cinema Rediscovered. Today remembered for Al Pacino’s dynamic central performance as an NYPD cop resisting the corruption all around him, Serpico is a classic film of the paranoid 1970s, one that offers a detailed depiction of a system gone bad.

Before the screening, you can wander through the cinema building with a behind-the-scenes look at the projection booth, and a demonstration of the original Christie cinema organ.

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