Slapstick Festival 2024


Please note : this season finished in Feb 2024

Presenting the 20th annual Slapstick Film Festival! Join us for five days of laughter during the cold February half-term.

We're bringing you a fabulous array of events this year, including top silent comedies accompanied by exceptional musical talent.

Rediscover silent comedy's golden era with Graeme Garden's exploration of Lloyd Hamilton's comedy. Experience a triple-bill of events featuring women in silent comedy, with Lucy Porter introducing Norma Talmadge’s escapades in Kiki. Don't miss our two special Buster Keaton events, featuring admirers Dana Stevens and Polly Rose.

Plus, Sylvester McCoy, Christina Newland, and Robin Ince will also be adding their unique talents to the festivities.

For the full programme head to

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