Found in: What we do Projects

Welcome to the Pervasive Media Studio

Want to be inspired, take a break, and learn more about brilliant projects and people working with creative technology? Maybe you want to know what creative technology even is exactly? Visit the Pervasive Media Studio and find out more!

From dancing cranes, talking lamp posts, connected robots and flying to the moon (no, really), the Studio is where you will find the brains behind the next big thing that will get everyone talking. Every Friday there's a chance to meet and talk to the people in the Studio too – we host free Lunchtime talks. Come along, bring a sandwich, and get to know more about the Studio community, current and up-coming projects, or residents' work – you are welcome to stay and hot desk at the Studio for the rest of the afternoon, and we’d love to hear about things you want to explore too.

Posted on Wed 23 Jan 2019.

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