Julia Ray

Julia Ray

MA Curating Student

Julia Ray is studying for an MA in Curating at the University of the West of England. During 2018 she is on placement at Watershed while being mentored by the Watershed team. Originally from Boston, Massachusetts, Julia graduated with an undergraduate MA in Film & Visual Culture from the University of Aberdeen and has worked as an administrative office manager for Nantucket Film Festival, a freelance Production Coordinator and Second Assistant Director. Working closely with the American Film Institute fellowship program, she was able to support a variety of minority and queer filmmakers.

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Posted on Mon 10 June 2019 by Julia Ray

Celebrated as the first Berlinale Golden Bear awarded to a female director, Márta Mészáros’ Adoption is a powerful meditation on agency and womanhood in a world that waits to give permission, Julia Ray writes.

We the Animals
Posted on Wed 5 June 2019 by Julia Ray

Julia Ray, on placement this year at Watershed through UWE's MA in Curation, reflects on the beautiful imagery and animation in We the Animals. Recognising young Jonah's journey into adolescence as a key moment to unleash individual creativity, Julia revisits her own experiences, at the intersection of art and individuality.

Eighth Grade
Posted on Wed 24 April 2019 by Julia Ray

Eighth Grade is a frank look at the anxieties of a twenty-nine-year-old male comedian, through the eyes of a thirteen-year-old girl. It might sound odd but, Julia Ray writes, it works more perfectly than you’d think.

Posted on Thu 18 April 2019 by Julia Ray

Following international outcry, surrounding its ban by the Kenya Film Classification Board for violating anti-LGBT+ laws, Rafiki is fast becoming one of the most talked about LGBT+ films of the last five years. Following the journey of tom-boyish Kena and the vibrant and impulsive Ziki, young love and friendship bloom in a politically charged neighbourhood of Nairobi.