For the latest information visit the Bristol VR Lab website:

Watershed and the Pervasive Media Studio are partners in the Bristol VR Lab, a new  space co-working space for up to forty VR developers and designers, with the latest technology from a range of partners, including VR & AR headsets, experimental controllers, green screen motion capture technology and a range of 360 filming devices.  The Lab also has a permanent room scale/social VR setups available to be hired by members, and a teaching area which is fully VR enabled for student's teaching and apprenticeship training.

Bristol VR Lab is a collaboration between the University of Bristol and the University of the West of England with Watershed and Opposable VR - organisers of VR World Congress.  Partners in the VR Lab include the BBC, we the curious and Bath Spa University.  With this range of supporters, and with relationships throughout the city and VR / AR industry globally, Bristol VR Lab is a centre for excellence in VR/AR/MR/XR.

The lab hosts a number of events for the South West VR & AR community. For more information and to contact the team visit


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