Feeling Food
A day of exploring, experimenting and rapid prototyping with food, taste and mid-air touch

Made by
David Lisser
I think a lot about the future and I make sculptures and installations that explore our hopes and fears for tomorrow.
James Wheale
James is an artist, poet, maker and cook whose work fuses storytelling and food. James runs Understory, a chocolate company that fuses the two great oral traditions - storytelling and eating.
Sabrina Shirazi
Sabrina Shirazi is an artist and designer who produces visual art and textiles inspired by colour, unconventional behaviour and play.
Jasmine Creusson
Recently joined as a micro resident working on a project that combines food with technology. Looking into the themes of forgotten foods and how this relates to ever growing need for the 'instant' within our modern society.Pete Vance
Pete was the producer for Creative Producers International from 2016-2019, our new international development programme, developing the capacity and skills of Creative Producers to become the city change-makers of the future.Ultrahaptics
Ultrahaptics has developed a unique technology that enables users to receive tactile feedback without needing to wear or touch anything. The technology uses ultrasound to project sensations through the air and directly onto the user. Users can ‘feel’ touch-less buttons get feedback for mid-air gestures or interact with virtual objects.Michael Camilleri
Culinary scientistDanny Kite
Taste TechZombie carrots, jumping popcorn, and prosecco you make in your mouth…just a few of the tactile, tasty morsels dreamed up in a day-long experimental lab run by Watershed’s Pervasive Media Studio and Ultrahaptics, a bristol-based tech company creating the impression of touch in mid-air with ultrasonic sound.
For the lab we brought together a group of fantastic foodie friends from the Pervasive Media Studio and Ultrahaptics’ communities, and invited them to spend some time together exploring what experiences they might design that combine touch and taste in interesting ways.
Find out more about what happened, and what we made in the blog below.